


Rehabilitation Programs:

Aadhar provides rehabilitation programs aimed at improving the mobility, independence, and overall well-being of physically challenged individuals. These programs may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and assistive device provision (such as wheelchairs, prosthetics, or hearing aids)

Education and Skill Development:

Aadhar focuses on promoting education and skill development opportunities for physically challenged individuals. We have established inclusive schools and support inclusive education initiatives, provide scholarships or grants for education, offer vocational training programs, and facilitate access to specialized educational resources.

Employment Support:

Aadhar assist physically challenged individuals in finding employment opportunities and developing the necessary skills for the workforce. This can involve job training, job placement services, creating partnerships with companies that offer inclusive employment, or supporting entrepreneurship initiatives.

Advocacy and Policy Influence:

Aadhar plays a crucial role in advocating for the rights and needs of physically challenged individuals. We engage in policy advocacy, raise awareness about disability rights and inclusion, and work to influence legislation to ensure equal opportunities and accessibility for all.

Awareness Campaigns:

Aadhar conducts awareness campaigns to combat stigma and promote inclusivity. These campaigns aim to change societal attitudes towards physically challenged individuals, increase understanding of their abilities, and encourage community support.

Accessible Infrastructure:

Aadhar works towards creating accessible infrastructure to ensure that physically challenged individuals can move freely and independently. This involves advocating for accessible public transportation, accessible buildings and public spaces, and inclusive urban planning.

Sports and Recreational Activities:

Aadhar promotes sports and recreational activities for physically challenged individuals. These activities not only provide physical fitness but also foster a sense of community, boost self-esteem, and encourage active participation in society.

Counseling and Emotional Support:

Aadhar provides counseling services and emotional support to physically challenged individuals and their families. They offer a safe space for individuals to share their challenges, cope with emotional difficulties, and build resilience.

Assistive Technology and Innovation:

Aadhar explores and promotes the use of assistive technologies and innovations to enhance the lives of physically challenged individuals. This includes devices, apps, or software that assist with communication, mobility, independent living, or education.

Community Integration and Social Inclusion:

Aadhar’s focus on integrating physically challenged individuals into the community and promoting social inclusion. We organize social events, workshops, and support groups that encourage interaction, networking, and a sense of belonging.